Tag Archives: Europe

Peaceful and picturesque Dornie

Dornie is a small village (population: 360) in the wetstern Scottish Highlands. It is positioned [...]

People Make Glasgow

Oh Glasgow, thanks for the good food and the good times. We particularly enjoyed… Climbing [...]

Edinburgh for everyone

Whenever anyone asked what destination we were most looking forward to, Sarah’s answer was Scotland for [...]


LAM meet-up in Edinburgh

During our week in the wonderful city of Edinburgh, I had the pleasure of meeting [...]


Berlin: Unsere Lieblingsstadt

We spent our longest stretch so far in Berlin. 12 days. We wish it were [...]

First LAM meet-up – Sina in Berlin

One of the goals of this journey Justin and I are on is to meet [...]


Warsaw: A surprising, instant Team Poitras favorite

After Olomouc and Kraków, we would have been ok having a middle-of-the-road big city experience. [...]

One week in Kraków

There are a lot of things to see in Krakow. It is the second biggest [...]


The garlicky pleasures of the Czech Republic

We like garlic. Sarah cooks with it in almost every meal at home. So we [...]


Outstanding Olomouc

Olomouc is a smallish city in Moravia, an eastern region in the Czech Republic. We [...]